Enterprise Europe Network

Course on structuring innovation projects for submission to competitive calls

  • Course
Fundació Bit. Auditori Parc Bit. Centre Empresarial Son Espanyol, Laura Bassi, Palma, 07121, Balearic Islands
14 November 2022 | 15h - 17h
imatge 2

The General Directorate of Innovation of the Government of the Balearic Islands, with the collaboration of the Bit Foundation, organizes a training program for companies that want to train in the preparation of innovative project proposals to present to calls for competitive grants and subsidies. At the end of the day, each attendee will have created a basic dossier of their project and will have identified at least one call to submit a complete proposal.

It is a training aimed at managers or those responsible for innovation, digitization or strategic planning, as well as those responsible for innovative projects in any sector of the activity.

The training consists of four days of 120 minutes, and each day is structured in two blocks of 55 minutes with a break of 10 minutes in between:

  • The first block is of a formative nature where the theoretical content of the course is presented.
  • The second block consists of a workshop where two different examples will be presented to the attendees so that they can choose one of them and develop a project proposal applying the learning in the course collaboratively.

The sessions will take place on November 14, 16, 21 and 23, from 3pm to 5pm, in the Press Room of the BIT Foundation.

The content of the training will be based on the following sections:

  • Phase 0. Introduction: definitions and basic concepts, how to deal with the preparation of a proposal, and monitoring/mapping aid from the general programs in Europe, Spain and the Balearic Islands.
  • Phase 1 - Initial pivoted idea: first approach to the general idea, creation of the Abstract, previous study of documentation, requirements and presentation process, joint projects, and creation of the final working group and coordination resources.
  • Phase 2. Concrete design and creation of the consortium: detailed design and realization of the project and creation of the consortium.
  • Phase 3. Drafting of the proposal: guide document, tips and tricks, components of the project report, generic part, technical part, business model and market study, communication and dissemination, and appendices or extra information.
  • Phase 4. Budget: general concepts, breakdown of the budget and general balance sheet.
  • Phase 5. Documentation and presentation: registration on the platform, user registration, member identification, administrative data and collection/upload/sending of documents.
  • Phase 6. Acceptance, management and justification: scope and cost re-planning, acceptance, follow-ups, risk management and modifications, and justifications.
  • Phase 7. Re-launch of a rejected project: collection of feedback, detection of weaknesses and improvement actions, recovery of the consortium and adaptations, and rethinking of the concept, pivoting and launching of the new project.

Date: November 14, 16, 21 and 23

Time: 3 to 5 p.m

Place: BIT Foundation Press Room.

Free attendance with limited places.

For more information and registration: https://www.fundaciobit.org/curs-destructuracio-de-projectes-dinovacio-per-a-la-presentacio-a-convocatories-competitives/